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Keywords: randomized block
An experiment is conducted to compare the energy requirements of three physical activities: running, walking and bicycle riding. Eight subjects are asked to run, walk and bicycle a measured distance, and the number of kilocalories expended per kilometre is determined for each subject during each activity. The activities are run in random order with time for recovery between activities. Each activity was monitored exactly once for each individual.
Data File (tab-delimited text)
Milton, J. S. (1992). Statistical Methods in the Biological and Health Sciences 2nd Edition, McGraw-Hill, New York, pages 316-319. |
Well behaved data with very significant differences between treatments (the three treatments do not overlap in response values). Invented data?
General Linear Model
Factor Levels Values Subject 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Activity 3 Running Walking Cycling
Analysis of Variance for Energy
Source DF Seq SS Adj SS Adj MS F P Subject 7 0.55333 0.55333 0.07905 2.86 0.045 Activity 2 4.41333 4.41333 2.20667 79.90 0.000 Error 14 0.38667 0.38667 0.02762 Total 23 5.35333
Unusual Observations for Energy
Obs Energy Fit StDev Fit Residual St Resid 5 1.60000 1.31667 0.10728 0.28333 2.23R
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