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mmfreq | MM Frequency Estimation |
y | numeric vector of observations. | |
freq | numeric vector of starting values for the frequencies. |
x | numeric vector of time points. Defaults to 0:(length(y)-1) | |
coef | numeric vector of starting values for the coefficients. By default these are estimated using the built-in S-Plus function ltsreg. | |
constant | logical constant. If true, include a constant or intercept in the model. | |
scale | numeric constant giving scale of the residuals. By default this is estimated using mscale for the starting parameter values. | |
trace | logical constant. If true, frequencies and criterion are printed at each iteration. |
freq | numeric vector of estimated frequencies. | |
coef | numeric vector of estimated coefficients. | |
fitted | numeric vector of same length as y of fitted values. | |
residuals | numeric vector of same length as y of residuals. | |
scale | numeric constant giving the estimated or input scale. | |
criterion | numeric constant giving the estimated criterion functoin. |
If constant = T then the assumed model is
y = a[1] + a[2]*cos(x*f[1]) + ... + a[p+1]*cos(x*f[p]) + a[p+2]*sin(x*f[1]) + ... + a[2*p+1]*sin(x*f[p])
where coef = a, freq = f and p = length(f). If constant = F then the model is
y = a[1]*cos(x*f[1]) + ... + a[p]*cos(x*f[p]) + a[p+1]*sin(x*f[1]) + ... +
The values for f define the freq vector while the values for a define
the coef vector.
Stromberg, A. J. (1993). Computation of high breakdown nonlinear regression parameters. J. Amer. Statist. Assoc. 88, 237-244.
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Gordon Smyth. Copyright © 1996-2016. Last modified: 10 February 2004