Gordon Smyth Home: Talks
Presentations before 2010
- 1977 Department of Mathematics, University of Western Australia
- 1981 Department of Statistics, Australian National University
- 1981 Department of Mathematics, University of Western Australia
- 1982 Department of Mathematics, University of Western Australia
- 1984 Australian Statistical Conference, Brisbane
- 1986 How to fit exponentials if you must, Program in Statistics
and Applied Probability, University of California, Santa Barbara
- 1986 GLIM, Interest Group in Statistical Computing, University of
California, Santa Barbara
- 1986 Department of Statistics, Australian National University
- 1986 Department of Mathematics, University of Western Australia
- 1986 Joint Statistical Meetings, Chicago, USA
- 1987 Department of Statistics, Australian National University (twice)
- 1987 Department of Statistics, University of Sydney
- 1987 Department of Mathematics, University of Western Australia
- 1987 When randomization fails: some lessons from the Minneapolis
Spouse Abuse Experiment (with R.A. Berk), Joint Statistical Meetings,
San Francisco, August 1987. (Invited talk)
- 1988 Department of Statistics, Oregon State University
- 1988 Department of Statistics, Texas A&M University
- 1988 Biometrics Unit, Cornell University
- 1988 Department of Statistics, University of Pittsburgh
- 1988 Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Melbourne
- 1988 Program in Statistics and Applied Probability, University of
California, Santa Barbara
- 1989 Department of Statistics, Carnegie-Mellon University
- 1989 StatComp, Adelaide
- 1990 Department of Mathematics, University of Queensland
- 1990 Australia Statistical Conference, Sydney
- 1990 Some experiences in teaching consulting and data analysis,
Third International Conference and Teaching Statistics, Dunedin, August
1990. (Invited talk)
- 1991 Department of Mathematics, University of Queensland
- 1991 StatComp~91, Coolangatta
- 1992 School of Statistics, University of Minnesota
- 1992 Australian Statistical Conference, Perth
- September 28, 1993 ``Analysis of residuals and REML estimation for
Poisson-gamma generalized linear models.'' Statistics '93 (StatComp),
- December 1, 1993 ``Stochastic modelling of anthracnose in Stylosanthes
scabra.'' Statistical Society of Australia, South Australian Branch.
- Informal seminar series on generalized linear models (2 hours),
Department of Statistics, University of Adelaide, November 28 to December 5,
- Series of 7 talks on generalized linear models, Department
Operations Research, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, California,
December 24, 1993, to February 5, 1994.
- March 29, 1994 ``Double generalized linear models and other thoughts on
variance function estimation.'' School of Statistics, Queensland University
of Technology, Brisbane.
- June 16, 1994 ``REML in generalized linear models: a conditional
approach.'' 26th Symposium on the Interface: Computing Science and
Statistics, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina.
- 12th Australian Statistical Conference, Clayton, Victoria, 4--8 July
- JMP Statistical Software. Workshop on PC Statistical Programs,
Statistical Society of Australia, Queensland Branch. 6 July 1995, Brisbane.
- Overdispersion and Dependence. Statistical Society of Australia, South
Australian Branch. 12 July 1995, Adelaide.
- Randomized Percentile Residuals. Joint Statistical Meetings. 15 August
1995, Orlando, Florida.
- What is Overdispersion? 31 August 1995, School of Statistics, University
of Minnesota.
- A Stochastic Model for Disease Growth in a Tropical Pasture Legume. 8
September 1995, American Statistical Society, Red River Branch.
- What is Overdispersion? 10 October 1995, Department of Statistics,
University of British Columbia.
- What is Overdispersion? 12 October 1995, Department of Statistics, Simon
Fraser University.
- JMP Statistical Software. 7 November 1995, Department of Operations
Research, Naval Postgraduate School.
- What is Overdispersion? 13 November 1995, Department of Statistics,
Oregon State University.
- A Stochastic Model for Disease Growth in a Tropical Pasture Legume. 13
March 1996, Department of Operations Research, Naval Postgraduate School.
- Dispersion Modelling in Non-normal Regression. 3 April 1996, Department
of Operations Research, Naval Postgraduate School.
- An Exact Conditional Interpretation for REML. 25 April 1996, Department
of Statistics, University of British Columbia.
- Hierarchical Generalized Linear Models. 23 May 1996, Department of
Statistics, University of British Columbia.
- What is Overdispersion? 10 June 1996, Department of Statistics,
University of Hong Kong.
- Using S-Plus to Teach Data Analysis. 1 July 1996, Department of
Mathematics, University of Queensland.
- Robust Frequency Estimation Using Elemental Sets. 9
July 1996, Sydney Statistical Congress, Sydney.
- Regression Analysis of Quantity Data with Exact Zeroes. 18 July 1996,
Second Australia-Japan Workshop on Stochastic Models, Gold Coast.
- What is Overdispersion? 3 October 1996, Department of Mathematics and
Computing, University of Southern Queensland, Toowoomba.
- Using S-Plus to Teach Data Analysis. 23 October 1996, Biostatistics
Discussion Group, University of Queensland.
- Using Minitab to Analyse Physiotherapy and Related Data. Department of
Physiotherapy, University of Queensland. 10 March 1997, Brisbane.
- An Empirical Bayes Approach to Random Effects. Biometrics 97. 3 December
1997, Wirina, South Australia.
- An Empirical Bayes Approach to Random Effects. Statistical Society of
Australia, Queensland Branch. 16 November 1998, Brisbane.
- An Empirical Bayes Approach to Random Effects. Department of Statistics
and Demography, Odense University. 1 February 1999, Odense, Denmark.
- A Stochastic Model for Disease Growth in a Tropical Pasture Legume.
Jutland's Society for Longitudinal Studies. 3 March 1999, Odense, Denmark.
- Extending Smoothing Splines to Non-Normal Data. Semi-parametric Study
Group, Department of Statistics and Demography, Odense University. 23 March
1999, Odense.
- Double Generalized Linear Models: Approximate REML and Diagnostics.
School of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Georgia Institute of
Technology. 1 April 1999, Atlanta.
- Fitting Tweedie's Compound Poisson Model to Insurance Claims Data:
Dispersion Modelling. 52nd Session of the International Statistical
Institute, Helsinki 1999. 11 August 1999.
- Double Generalized Linear Models: Approximate REML and Diagnostics.
Department of Theoretical Statistics, University of Århus. 30 September
1999, Århus.
- Double Generalized Linear Models: Approximate REML and Diagnostics.
Biometrics Research Unit, Danish Institute for Agricultural Science. 1
December 1999, Foulum.
- Likelihood-Based Tests for Poisson Variation Against General
Alternatives. 35th Symposium on the Interface: Computer Science and
Statistics. 6 April 2000, New Orleans.
- Statistical Inferences from the EPA Ambient Water Data. Environmental
Protection Agency, Indooroopilly, Queensland. 3 July September 2000,
- Statistical Inferences from the EPA Ambient Water Data. Statistical
Society of Australia, South Australian Branch. 21 September 2000, Adelaide.
- REML. Biometrics SA. December 2000, Adelaide.
- Censored regression trend analyses for ambient water quality data.
International Workshop on Statistical Modelling, Odense, Denmark, 5 July
- Trend analyses for ambient water quality data. Australasian Biometrics
Conference, Christchurch, New Zealand, 10 December 2001.
- Microarray data analysis. NHMRC Program Retreat, 26 February 2002.
- Print-order normalization of microarray data. Bioinformatics Seminar,
Walter and Eliza Hall Institute, 18 March 2002.
- Statistical issues in microarray data analysis, Annual General Meeting,
Statistical Society of Australia Victoria Branch, Melbourne, 26 March 2002
- Statistical issues in microarray data analysis, Department of Statistics,
La Trobe, Melbourne 24 May 2002
- Print-order normalization of microarray data, 16th Australian Statistical
Conference, Canberra, 11 July 2002
- Judging differential expression in microarray
experiments: penalized t-statistics, CBiS Microarray Workshop,
12 July 2002
- Quantitative quality measures, Australian Microarray Conference, Couran
Cove, 26 July 2002
- Statistical issues in microarray data analysis, School of Mathematical
Sciences, Monash University, 14 August 2002
- Identifying differentially expressed genes in
designed microarray experiments,
IIIe Cycle Genomic Days Symposium, DNA Microarrays in Biology and Medicine,
Lausanne, Switzerland, 13 September 2002, Invited Speaker
- Background correction and quality measures for microarray experiments,
Institute of Mathematics, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne,
Switzerland, 19 September 2002
- Adventures with microarrays and
transcription factors, Division of Genetics and Bioinformatics, WEHI,
Melbourne, 8 October 2002
- Statistics for Microarray Data Analysis (One Day Course), Australian
Genstat Conference, Perth, 2 December 2002, Invited Presenter (with Terry
Speed and Natalie Thorne)
- Identifying differentially expressed genes in designed microarray
experiments, Statistical Society of Australia South Australian Branch,
Adelaide, 11 December 2002
- Design of microarray experiments, Analysis and Bioinformatic Issues
Relating to Microarray Expression Profiling: An ACRF Sponsored Meeting, St
Vincent’s Hospital Campus, Melbourne, 12 Feb 2003
- Identifying differentially expressed genes, Analysis and Bioinformatic
Issues Relating to Microarray Expression Profiling: An ACRF Sponsored Meeting,
St Vincent’s Hospital Campus, Melbourne, 12 Feb 2003
- Microarray data analysis, Victor Chang Institute, Sydney, 27 March 2003
- Adaptive normalization for spotted microarrays, Bioinformatics Group
Seminar, WEHI, Melbourne, 29 April 2003
- Empirical Bayes and mixed linear models for assessing differential
expression in cDNA microarray experiments, Theme Conference of the
Royal Statistical Society: Statistical Genetics and Bioinformatics, Diepenbeek,
Belgium, 16 July 2003 (PDF)
- Analysing complex microarray experiments, Australian Microarray
Conference, Couran Cove, 24 July 2003
- Session Chair, Australian Microarray Conference, Couran Cove, 25 July 2003
- Analysing complex microarray experiments, Division of Genetics and
Bioinformatics Seminar, WEHI, Melbourne 19 August 2003
- Microarray data analysis, CRC-CGF Bioinformatics Course, University of
Melbourne, 10 September 2003
- Linear models for microarray data, Microarray Practical Session, CRC-CGF
Bioinformatics Course, Walter and Eliza Hall Institute, 10 September 2003
(with James Wettenhall)
- Bioinformatics in a medical research institute, Australian Undergraduate
Students' Computing Conference, University of Melbourne, 25 September 2003,
Special Guest Speaker
- Common parameters in parallel regressions: extracting information from
within-array replicate spots, Bioinformatics Seminar, WEHI, Melbourne 7
October 2003
- Design and Analysis of Spotted Microarray Experiments,
Australian Mathematical Sciences Institute Summer Symposium in Bioinformatics,
Australian National University, Canberra, 5 December 2003, Keynote speaker.
- Analysis of replicated microarray experiments, Statistical Methods in
Microarray Analysis Tutorial, Institute for Mathematical Sciences, National
University of Singapore 2 January 2004. (PDF)
- Analysis of complex microarray experiments, Statistical Methods in
Microarray Analysis Tutorial, Institute for Mathematical Sciences, National
University of Singapore 3 January 2004. (PDF)
- Analysis of designed microarray experiments, Hands-On Lab, Statistical
Methods in Microarray Analysis Tutorial, Institute for Mathematical Sciences,
National University of Singapore 3 January 2004. (PDF)
- Common parameters in parallel regressions: extracting information from
within-array replicate spots, Statistical Methods in Microarray Analysis,
Institute for Mathematical Sciences, National University of Singapore, 9
January 2004, Invited speaker
- Design and Analysis of Spotted Microarray Experiments, Department of
Mathematics, University of Melbourne, 26 May 2004. Presentation to honours
- Statistics for Microarray Data Analysis Short Course, XXIInd International
Biometrics Conference, Cairns, 11 July 2004 (with Matthew Ritchie, Jean Yee
Hwa Yang and James Wettenhall). Invited presenter.
- Putting the Squeeze on Parameters in Microarray Data Analysis, Australian
Statistical Conference, Cairns, 13 July 2004, Keynote speaker
- Truth and Beauty in Microarray Data Analysis, Institute Talk, Walter and Eliza Hall
Institute of Medical Research, Melbourne, 25 August 2004.
- Statistical Analysis of Microarray Data, Melbourne Bioinformatics Course,
16 September 2004.
- 4th Australian Microarray Conference, Fremantle, Western Australia, 2
October 2004. Session chair.
- Bioinformatics & the Biologist, 4th Australian Microarray Conference,
Fremantle, Western Australia, 2 October 2004. Invited discussant.
- Bivariate (Individual Channel) Analysis of Two-Colour Microarray Data,
Bioinformatics Seminar, WEHI, Melbourne, 19 October 2004.
- Analysing time course microarray experiments. Genetics and Bioinformatics Division, WEHI, 8 March 2005.
- Individual channel analysis of two-colour microarray data. Invited
Session IPM 11: Computational Tools For Microarray Analysis, 55th Session of the International Statistics Institute, Sydney, 12 April
2005. Invited speaker.
- Truth in microarray data analysis: comparing technologies and comparing
methods of analysis. Workshop on Large Scale Gene Expression Analysis,
Queensland Bioinformatics Consortium in conjunction with Bioinformatics
Australia, Queensland Bioscience Precinct, Brisbane, 20 April 2005. Invited
- Parameter shrinkage and separate channel analysis of two-colour microarray
data. AMSI Symposium: Recent Advances in Biostatistics, Bioinformatics and Markov Chain Monte
Carlo, University of New South Wales, Sydney, 7 July 2005. Invited speaker.
- 20th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling, Sydney, 10-15 July
2005. Chair, Scientific Programme Committee.
- Microarray Statistical Analysis. 7th Melbourne Bioinformatics
Course, University of Melbourne, 21 July 2005.
- Differential expression analysis of microarray experiments. BioC2005 Bioconductor Conference, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center,
Seattle, 16 August 2005. Invited presenter.
- Parameter shrinkage and separate channel analysis of two-colour microarray
data. Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics,
University of California, San Francisco, 18 August 2005.
- Random effects, heteroscedastic regression, algorithms and microarray
data analysis. Symposium on Optimisation and Data Analysis: In honour of Professor Mike Osborne's 70th birthday, 21-23
September 2005, Australian National University, Canberra. Keynote speaker.
- Parameter shrinkage and separate channel analysis of two-colour
microarray data. Bioinformatics Seminar, WEHI, 4 October 2005.
- Two colour microarrays: a calibration data set for evaluating
microarray platform accuracy. BioInfoSummer 2005, Australian National
University, Canberra, 1 December 2005. Invited speaker.
- Analysis of microarray time course experiments.
International Statistics Conference “Statistics in the Technological Age, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 29 December 2005. Invited speaker.
- Calibrating microarray platform accuracy, Discovery Science and Biotechnology, Melbourne, 3-5 May 2006. Invited speaker.
- Evaluating Microarray Accuracy (and Comparing Platforms), Statistics for gene and protein expression, Chalmers University of
Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden 10-12 May 2006. Invited speaker.
- Parameter Shrinkage and Separate Channel Analysis of Two-Colour
Microarray Data, European Bioinformatics Institute, Wellcome Trust Genome Campus, Hinxton,
Cambridge, 15 May 2006. Invited seminar.
- Serial analysis of gene expression: improving tests of differential
expression by parameter moderation, ASC/NZSA 2006, Australian
Statistical Conference/ New Zealand Statistical Association 2006, Auckland, 3-7 July 2006. Invited
- A two-colour microarray RNA pooling experiment, WEHI
Bioinformatics Division, 22 August 2006.
- Statistical analysis of microarray data, 8th Melbourne
Bioinformatics Course, 7 September 2006.
- Microarrays in biomedical research, Genetics for Epidemiologists and Epidemiology for Geneticists,
15th Annual Meeting of the Australasian Epidemiological
Association, 17-19 September 2006. Invited speaker.
- Analysis of time-course microarray experiments, ComBio2006, Brisbane, 24-28 September 2006. Invited speaker.
- Finding patterns in microarray expression data,
Australian Health and Medical Research Congress,
Melbourne, 26 Nov-1 Dec 2006. Invited speaker.
- Repeatability of microarray experiments, Bioinformatics Division
Seminar, WEHI, 20 March 2007.
- Borrowing strength in microarray data analysis, Bioinformatics Winter School
in Mathematical and Computational Biology, Queensland Bioscience Precinct, Brisbane, 28 June 2007.
Invited speaker.
- Hard and soft parameter shrinkage in microarray data analysis, Joint Statistical Meetings, Salt Lake City,
USA, 1 Aug 2007.
Invited speaker (in Contributed Topic session).
- Differential expression analysis of microarray experiments.
Bioconductor Conference, Seattle, USA, 6 August 2007. Invited short course
- Moderated statistical tests for digital gene expression data, Statistics Seminar, University of Melbourne, 23 August 2007.
- Moderated statistical tests for digital gene technology. School of Mathematics
Symposium, University of Adelaide, 19 October 2007.
Invited speaker.
- Differential expression analysis of microarray data.
University of Copenhagen, 6 November 2007. Invited short course presenter.
- Microarrays, Linear Models and Medical Biology. Bioinformatics
workshop "From Bioinformatics to Medical Systems Biology", German Cancer
Research Center, Heidelberg, 13 November 2007. Keynote speaker.
- Borrowing strength in microarray data analysis. BioInfoSummer
2007, Australian National University, Canberra,
13 December 2007. Invited speaker.
- Model-based background correction for two-colour microarray data,
Bioinformatics Division Seminar, WEHI, 15 April 2008.
- Repeatability of microarray experiments, Australian Statistical Conference, Melbourne, 3 July 2008. Invited
- Practical design issues for microarray experiments, International
Biometrics Conference, Dublin, 13-18 July 2008. Invited speaker.
- Half-day workshop on Bioconductor, AMATA 2008 Conference, Otago, New
Zealand, 15 November 2008. Invited workshop presenter.
- Statistical analysis of microarray expression data throws light on
the immunological profile of early multiple sclerosis, NSW Bioinformatics Research Symposium, University of Sydney, 26 November
2008. Keynote Speaker.
- Gene set tests for designed microarray experiments (with an
application to multiple sclerosis), 4th World Conference of the International Association for Statistical
Computing, Yokohama, Japan, 5-8 December 2008. Invited speaker.
- Gene set enrichment analysis for designed microarray experiments: two
case studies, Department of Genetics, University of Melbourne, 21 April
- Statistical analysis of microarray expression data throws light on
the immunological profile of early multiple sclerosis, Biosciences /
Infection and Immunity Research Domain Technology Forum, University of
Melbourne, 17 July 2009.
Invited speaker.
- Gene set enrichment analysis for designed microarray experiments: two
case studies, Bioinformatics Division Seminar, WEHI, 1 September 2009.
Talks 2010 and later